Thursday, October 15, 2009

What do people say about the Jes-Extender?

After Order my Jes-Extender on Tuesday Morning I was very pleased & surprised to find it waiting for me when I returned from work on Friday evening, after expecting a wait of 10-14 days. Excellent service & product.
Frank Stedholm

Agreed and many thanks for your courtesies and excellent customer service.
By the way, the Jes Extender is simply fantastic and I have notice positive gains in this relatively short period of time. I would like to take part in your customer success contest but am too shy to send photos. Many thanks for this wonderful design and invention - it is truly a miracle!
Rick Tallon

In the beginning I was very doubtful about the things I heard about the Jes-Extender. I previously had a complex about my penis and didn't want to have sex. When erect it was 14.3cm, after 19 months use and an average stretch time every day of 20-22 hours it's now 26.5 cm. My girlfriend who previously made fun of my penis doesn't make so much fun anymore :)

I'm very satisfied with my purchase of Jes-Extender. If you're not satisfied now don't doubt
Robin Jennings