Thursday, October 15, 2009

What do people say about the Jes-Extender?

After Order my Jes-Extender on Tuesday Morning I was very pleased & surprised to find it waiting for me when I returned from work on Friday evening, after expecting a wait of 10-14 days. Excellent service & product.
Frank Stedholm

Agreed and many thanks for your courtesies and excellent customer service.
By the way, the Jes Extender is simply fantastic and I have notice positive gains in this relatively short period of time. I would like to take part in your customer success contest but am too shy to send photos. Many thanks for this wonderful design and invention - it is truly a miracle!
Rick Tallon

In the beginning I was very doubtful about the things I heard about the Jes-Extender. I previously had a complex about my penis and didn't want to have sex. When erect it was 14.3cm, after 19 months use and an average stretch time every day of 20-22 hours it's now 26.5 cm. My girlfriend who previously made fun of my penis doesn't make so much fun anymore :)

I'm very satisfied with my purchase of Jes-Extender. If you're not satisfied now don't doubt
Robin Jennings

Monday, August 17, 2009

Can Diet Affect Penis Size?

Food is many things. It’s your daily supply of nutrients that keeps you going. It’s your daily pleasure if you can afford fine meals every day. And it’s also your biggest help in keeping your body healthy and fit. Without the right substances entering your body through food, you will suffer from the various diseases associated with malnutrition.

And I’m willing to bet you had no idea that food can also influence the size of your penis. Not many people are aware of the extensive influence certain things have on our bodies. For instance, the pants your wear can hinder spermatogenesis (the production of sperm by the testes) by being too tight. Everyone wants to look good, but it’s silly to sacrifice your sperm for a pair of tight jeans.

The main thing to look for in food is for those ingredients that will keep your blood flowing. The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels. Examples of such food are salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, liver and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

While these foods have no readily detectable influence on the size of your penis, their presence in your diet helps promote the blood flow that is the key to erection. If your circulatory system is in perfect shape and if the blood vessels are allowing more blood to pass through the penis, then your erection is bound to be bigger than usual.

Get Your Penis BIGGER TICKER Now! Start exercising NOW!


Monday, July 6, 2009

How to Optimise Penis Response to Enlargement Programs.

Penis enlargement programs have become more and more popular over the past years, especially since more and more people stopped frowning upon provocative displays. Talking about sex is also more open than it used to be. All these trends served to make men more conscious about their role in the bedroom and more curious about the quality of their performance. Uncertainty led to insecurity and insecurity led to the desire to boost natural endowment with the aid of penis enlargement programs.

However, despite the popularity of penis enlargement programs, men still have little idea how to optimize their penis response to treatment in order to get the most out of any systems used. Taking the pills or doing the exercises is perfectly fine, but there are certain extra things you can do for the vaunted 100 percent response.

A key part of a perfect diet is a regular intake of zinc. Zinc plays a key role in the human body by combining with antioxindants in order to prevent the damage sustained by cells and thus to slow down the aging process. It also serves to stabilize the DNA in sperm cells, thus ensuring a strong and healthy delivery of genetic material to the waiting ovule. Not many people know that a deficiency of zinc in the daily diet can lower fertility in males since the body tends to generate less sperm and sperm cells are no longer strong enough to make the full trip.

The best source of zinc in your diet are oysters, followed by pork, chicken and beef. Other good sources of zinc are beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Still, meat is the best suited for zinc absorption by the body. However, try not to boost your zinc intake too much, since it tends to decrease the absorption of other crucial metals, such as iron and copper.

Get Your Penis BIGGER TICKER Now! Start exercising NOW!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What to do if your penis is 9 or more inches?

The obvious answer would be: sit back and bask in your glory. You may think that you have won the genetic race and are better off than most other men. You may think that the world of sex is yours for the taking. However, such is not always the case.

Many women will recoil in shock from the sight of such an impressive penis. Sure, it looks big and the very herald of untold pleasures. But no woman, especially not one who has never had the pleasure of such an encounter, can fully repress the suspicion that your size may be too big for her. Most women will be afraid that insertion would hurt and that subsequent sex would be a painful ride instead of a pleasure cruise. Anal sex will be completely out of the question, whereas oral sex will be an awkward proposition at best.

So what’s left? First and foremost: don’t jump her. At the moment when your penis springs into view, your partner is most likely both aroused and afraid, not to mention more than a bit curious about how it would feel (heck, it’s not everyday she comes upon such a fine specimen). So take it slowly. Don’t amplify her sense that things may take a wrong turn. Above all, don’t skip foreplay! I don’t know how you feel about foreplay, but in this case it’s your best friend. Foreplay will help you push her past fear and into pleasure.

Second: don’t slam it all in at once. This will surely hurt, even if the last time she was tight was five years and a couple of boyfriends ago. Jokes aside, take your time and slide only your head in at first. Keep going slowly until her body adjusts to your size and she can take your entire size in. Once you’re in don’t start slamming full tilt like there’s no tomorrow. She would certainly not appreciate it.

Learn more about your penis...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What to do if you have penis below 5 inches....

Less than 5 inches? Now that’s a problem. Fortunately there are solutions to this one. The first thing to do is to put embarrassment aside and learn the simple ways in which you can offset this drawback. It’s true that there is no way you can make up on the physical side, but there are tricks that can help you hide the real size. And you can also win through sheer confidence and audacity.

If you have a small penis buried in the pubic hair, you can start by shaving or trimming. At this size you want every inch of your penis to show. So get rid of that hair. Nowadays shaving is no longer seen as strange and the mainstream is much more open to such trends.

Another effective trick is to take a hot shower or bath before sex. The hot water will help increase the blood flow and expand the “corpora cavernosa” in your penis. This means that your penis will be able to hold more blood than usual for a certain amount of time. More blood means more inches.

Sstay safe and if you want more information on how to really make your penis bigger, check the links below:

And last of all, you can shed some weight. If your penis is hard to find in the pad of fat located at its base or if it barely shows its head from under your belly then it’s high time you lose some weight. Losing weight will not only make your penis more visible, but it will also give more stamina in sex sessions and keep your heart in better shape.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Penis size and dynamic of sex life for males

Penis size and dynamic of sex life for males

The dynamics of the average sex life for healthy males are primarily linked to the size of their penises. Studies have conclusively shown that males endowed with bigger penises are more successful in their sex lives. First, they manage to pick up and bed more women. Second, women are more satisfied with their performance. This does not mean that all men whose penises are smaller are less successful. For sure, some of them are very active in their sex lives, but the number of such men is low.

It seems that most of the men with bigger penises are more confident in their own power of seduction and in their performance in bed. Confidence is one of the keys to a successful sex life and is considered by many women to be the most important feature in a man, aside from the physical endowment. One could say that confidence is an adjunct of penis size in the game of attraction.

It’s pretty much a fact that most women are biased in bed and simply like bigger penises. Bigger than average, that is. Just as not big enough is likely to be a crucial setback, a penis that is too big tends to scare women away. The key to success lies in a certain size range and, of course, in the right attitude.

Simply put, the odds for a man to succeed in satisfying his partner enough to have her come back for more are much higher if the man has a bigger than average penis. Despite soundbites such as “Size does not matter”, or “The key is how you use it”, a bigger penis makes the job much easier for the man and brings more pleasure to his lady.

If you want more information of these subjects here is a list of fantastic websites that can help you out:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to get a straight penis?

One of the most common disorders of the penis, if it can be called a disorder, is the bent penis. There are quite a lot of men whose penises are not straight and who suffer in silence, afraid of bringing their problem to a doctor or to do anything about it. However, there is still hope offered by the privacy of the cyberspace, which hides the traces of research.

Many of those men who have bent penises suffer from what is known as Peyronie’s disease. This disease is a condition where the internal tissue of the penis turns to scar tissue and the penis bends, sometimes dramatically, one way or the other. Peyronie's is usually caused by the formation of a hard plaque of tissue on one side of the penis. Other men suffer from severe forms of Hypospadias, which is an abnormal development of the penis before birth.

However, although men are usually reticent to take action, a bent penis is not an insurmountable issue. There are certain exercises, which can help straighten a bent penis. There is also corrective surgery, although the success of surgery on the penis, whether to straighten or enlarge it, is a dubious proposition at best.

The exercises are rather simple and can be performed by any man in the privacy of his home without special devices or guidance. Such exercises can be found on various websites, such as Penis Health. There are practically no risks involved with this all-natural method of penis straightening.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What women love in men

This is one of those eternal questions men ask themselves in the, usually, vain attempt to understand women. However, the answer is most of the time simple and plain to see. Women love in men a series of physical traits that are largely common and determined at genetic level and also certain features that vary from one person to another.

The physical side is rather simple since physical beauty is hard-coded in our genes. The tall, handsome man with a deep voice and a style that is practically oozing virility is guaranteed to be a hit with most women. His physical side is good. However, if he says something stupid every time he opens his trap, then it’s quite clear he would have to make do with women who either do not notice or do not care.

But almost any lack of lustre on the physical side can be made up by another skill. Just as the basic physical attraction is almost always guided by the same principles, environment shapes people into different patterns. Some women learn to appreciate men who know how to carry an intelligent conversation and have good manners. Others like men who can cook and are willing to wash the dishes. Others are not interested in anything but sex with as many interesting partners as they can get their hands on. And, finally, some like quiet, well-bred men who will provide for their financial and physical needs for the rest of their lives.

Quite frankly, women like in men about the same things men like in women and for the same reasons, although women do emphasize the personal touch and the social skills. However, they tend to go about it in a different manner, which men find confusing.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to enlarge your balls For Ladies To Suck

Many men wonder if it may be possible to enlarge their testicles. Big testicles hanging under the penis are taken as a sign of manliness, power and virility, which is why men like both their penis and testicles on the large side.

The scrotum is an elastic sac that stretches or shrinks to accommodate bigger or smaller testicles. It also goes up and down in order to protect the testicles or to facilitate spermatogenesis and ejaculation. As men grow older, the testicles start shrinking, much to the embarrassment of some.

However, the scrotum can be made to appear larger and fuller with the help of a simple surgical procedure. Please bear in mind that this procedure is still in its early stages and long-term observation of its effects has not been poss ible yet. The scrotal wall consists of seven separate layers and fat cells from other parts of the body are injected between the layers. It seems that even a small amount of fat can make the testicles look significantly bigger.

This procedure is limited at the moment to men who are not interested in becoming parents, since there is no solid proof that the sperm count is not affected in any way. Also, men who are interested in this procedure should know that an added layer of fat may complicate attempts of finding testicular cancer nodules.

Still, one good news is that fat does not seem to be resorbed by the body. At least that’s the conclusion of early reports. Time will certainly provide more data on the success of this technique.

Have fun, stay safe and if you want more information on how to really make your penis bigger, check the links below: