Friday, January 25, 2008

How you can claim a clinically proven penis enlargement device for free!

How you can claim a clinically proven penis enlargement device for free!

As you are probably aware, enlarging your penis can become quite expensive. Pills aren't cheap in the first place and offer little in the way of real enlargement so you can spend hundreds of dollars only to find you don't see any positive results.

Devices on the other hand are clinically proven to work and are cheaper in the long run, but at $300+ for a device you might still think it's a bit steep. Well, there is no longer any need to worry about the cost of a bigger penis. For a limited time you can claim the clinically proven and doctor endorsed SizeGenetics penis enlargement device for free!

Simply buy the device by using the link below and if you do not see results (which you will) its free… and if you do see results, send in a testimonial and you get your money back too!

Learn more about claiming a FREE penis enlargement device by clicking here

It may sound like a con but I can assure you this really is a free device that is being offered. You see, people tend to be quite skeptical about devices and only believe they will work when they actually see their penis has grown. Because of this initial skepticism the manufacturers find it difficult to get good quality before and after photos and this is what helps prove the devices work.

If you buy the device today and take good quality 'before' photos then you will be able to claim the device for free. When you have added some inches simply take an after photo and send your testimonial in to SizeGenetics and they will refund your purchase.

In the unlikely event the device doesn't work for you then you are covered by their money-back guarantee so it's a win-win situation - add inches and the device is free, fail to add inches and the device is free!

This offer is only open for a limited time, once SizeGenetics have all the testimonials they need they will take the offer down and any customers who purchase after the offer is removed will only be covered by the guarantee if it doesn't work.

Click here to claim your free SizeGenetics enlargement device

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Do women like a lot of cum?

Do women like a lot of cum?

Yet another one of the questions that men like to ask themselves, whether they are successful in their love life or not. These are the little details that still make sex a wonder even for experienced players. So, do women like a lot of cum?

The answer is a big "YES". Like it or not, the standards for beauty and sex appeal are encoded deep in our genes and we have little choice about certain things whether we like or dislike them. Most women like self-assured and opinionated men and this holds true regardless of all the "inner feelings" hype from the '70s. Just like the big penis, a hairy chest or a deep voice, women see the large load of cum as part of the top male inventory.

It does not really matter if women see a bigger load as messy or gross on the rational level of their brain. They still like it deep inside because it pushes buttons in the most basic part of their minds. Just like men still fall for a big pair of breasts despite all the fashion trends that swept over this world.

Which brings us to the next logical question: if I have a small load, how do I make it bigger. Well, since the happiness of your ladies is at stake, I will provide you with a quick answer. The thing to do is to get your hands on some of those wonderful herbs, like Musli and Reishi Mushrooms, that helped men since the dawn of time to increase their sexual performance.

Alternatively you could go for a product that contains most of the sperm count and erection boosters known to man. With up to 500 percent reported gains in sperm volume, the VolumePills is the ultimate tool for the man who feels like moving out of the average crowd and closer to the top.

With SizeGenetics™ You get a the package that combines the best penis enlargement products on the market with the best sexual health and improvement products which can not be purchased ANYWHERE else.
Checkout SizeGenetics™ Now!

Monday, January 7, 2008

How to make your penis look bigger

How to make your penis look bigger

Not all men are born hung like bulls, which is a pretty sad fact for most of us average guys. But that does not mean that you have to be exposed to the calculating eyes of ladies just as you were born. Men may be average in size, but some are still determined and clever enough to find ways of going round this problem.

So what can you do about it? Well, there are some simple tricks that you should always keep in mind like you keep that pack of condoms at the bottom of your jeans pocket: on a "just in case" basis. The first trick to make your penis look bigger than it is to shave or trim the pubic hair. You may think it to be one the things girls like about you or the secret of your famous endurance, but let me tell you: you want those extra inches, even if they're just a trick. Pubic hair can sometimes hide the true size of a penis, so out it goes. Or just trim it, as you feel like it.

Another simple trick is to lose weight. Yep, getting rid of that pouch hanging in front of you or shedding part of the fat pad that hides the base of the penis can also provide you with some "magic" extra inches. I don't think I have to tell you that your penis would look better poking straight out from your pubic area and not fighting to get out fro under your belly. Go for a diet or some exercises. Or both.

The final nice trick is to take a long, hot shower before sex. This will serve to expand the blood vessels and to draw the blood flow to the penis. A slight expansion is likely, as the ensuing arousal will bring even more blood to this area and create the illusion of a bigger penis. Hot, relaxing showers can also be a sexy beginning of your foreplay.

Have fun, stay safe and if you want more information on how to really make your penis bigger, check the links below:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Explanation of the different parts of the penis

Explanation of the different parts of the penis

The penis is the external male sexual and urination organ. It is made up of three columns of erectile tissue and it relies solely on engorgement with blood to reach its erect state during sex.

The erectile tissues are called "corpus spongiosum" and "corpus cavernosum". The "corpus spongiosum" lies on the underside of the penis, while the two "corpora cavernosa" columns lie next to each other on the upper side. The end of the corpus spongiosum is enlarged and cone-shaped and forms the glans penis. The glans supports the foreskin (or prepuce), which is a loose fold of skin that in adults can retract to expose the glans. The area on the underside of the penis, where the foreskin is attached, is called the frenum.

The urethra, which is the last part of the urinary tract, traverses the "corpus spongiosum" and its opening, known as the "meatus", lies on the tip of the glans penis. It is both a passage for urine and for the ejaculation of semen. Sperm is produced in the testes and stored in the attached epididymis.

During ejaculation, sperm is propelled up the vas deferens, two ducts that pass over and behind the bladder. Fluids are added by the seminal vesicles and the vas deferens turns into the ejaculatory ducts, which join the urethra inside the prostate gland. The prostate and the bulbourethral glands add further secretions, and the resulting semen is expelled through the penis.

The final feature of the penis is the raphe, which is the visible ridge between the lateral halves of the penis, found on the underside of the penis, running from the meatus (opening of the urethra) across the scrotum to the perineum (area between scrotum and anus).

So wait no more and start taking care of your penis, he deserves it!
With SizeGenetics™ You get a the package that combines the best penis enlargement products on the market with the best sexual health and improvement products which can not be purchased ANYWHERE else.
Checkout SizeGenetics™ Now!