Friday, December 28, 2007

History of circumcision

History of circumcision and which countries / cultures participate

Circumcision is the removal of some or all of the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis. The word circumcision comes from the Latin words circum (meaning "around") and caedere (meaning "to cut"). Female circumcision is a term applied to a variety of procedures performed on the female genitalia. Circumcision is usually performed for religious, cultural, and medical reasons. Elective adult circumcision may also be chosen as a form of body modification, or for aesthetic reasons.

The oldest documentary evidence for circumcision comes from Egypt. This technique was also widely practiced by Semitic peoples, Greeks and Romans, although it was not considered mandatory and certain people rejected it.

Judaism and Islam are the leading religions that see circumcision as mandatory practice for their members today, although Judaism is attaching a greater importance to this act. Jewish male children are circumcised eight days after their birth, unless health reasons force a delay. Islam clerics are less formal about the exact time of circumcision, although some communities still observe the eighth day practice of Judaism. One difference between the two religions is that Jewish male children are circumcised by a religious figure called "mohel", while some Muslim communities, especially in Iran, take their children to hospital for circumcision.

The Roman Catholic Church rejected this practice at the Council of Florence in 1442. However, the members of the Coptic Christian and Ethiopian Orthodox churches still observe circumcision as mandatory.

Circumcision is also common in a number of African and Australian Aboriginal religious traditions, where it is used as a passage rite for young males. For some West African animist groups, such as the Dogon and Dowayo, circumcision represents a removal of "feminine" aspects of the male, while the Nilotic people hold periodical circumcision ceremonies that are used to group young males in age sets.

The United States, the Philippines and South Korea are the only countries that still practice circumcision routinely on a majority of males for non-religious reasons. Routine circumcision practices in South Korea are largely the result of American cultural and military influence following the Korean War.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Straighter the Better

The Straighter the Better

The penis is considered as one of the most important organs of men. Statistics show that men are very much affected by the way their penises looks and functions. More often than not, men's sexuality is defined by their penis. It serves as a tool that satisfies sexual pleasures and desires. In addition, the penis is the one of the most significant organs in promoting procreation. Aside from the size, the shape of the penis is also important for men. A man does anything just to make sure that the shape of his penis will be the shape of his preference. Above all, the shape of the penis can determine the success of a man while having sex.

Normally, the penis of a man is not perfectly straight. Most of the penis shows slight bent and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There were only rare instances when a man has a penis that has no bents. The curve of the penis can be caused by a lot of factors. The first one, which is genetics, is the most common of them all. Since the genes dictate a man's physical existence, it is no secret that the shape of a man's penis will follow that of his ancestors. Same goes to the other aspects like the size and the color. Moreover, an accident can cause the penis to be out of shape. Apparently, the curve might even get worse and permanent. Furthermore, a disease can also called Peyronie's can cause the penis to curve. This circumstance is very dangerous and needs proper medications before it gets worse.

There are different opinions with regards to the effectivity of a straight penis and a crooked penis while doing sex. Physically, a straight penis does look good and women are more inclined to have sex with someone who has a straight penis. Accordingly, one of the turn offs of women is when they see a penis with a peculiar shape. Women become less enthusiastic when engaging to sex and some even decline the idea. It is very hard to imagine how an odd shaped penis will totally penetrate in a very small vaginal hole. This is one of the reasons why having an extremely curved penis is always a disadvantage. The thing about it is that the sexual intercourse will be very painful both for the man and woman. Indeed, sex is not enjoyable when the pain is felt in the entire session.

The only advantage that a crooked penis has is the sensation that it brings once it has entered the vagina. Accordingly, there is a different feeling and something that provides great satisfaction. Though it is still curable, a curved penis can give a man a lot of trouble. Others say the exercise will work and some even suggested unconventional ways of straightening the penis. All situations point that a straight penis is often preferred than a curved penis. It helps in attracting women and makes every sexual encounters effortless with all satisfaction provided.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Effects of Coffee and Meat In Sexual Activity

The Effects of Coffee and Meat In Sexual Activity

Our relationship with our partner is one of our priorities especially in marriage. In maintaining a good relationship, there are, however, many things, which we should consider. One of the vital factors that contribute to the stability and deepening of a relationship is sex.

Sex is essential in a relationship. It's not only enough to be responsible in terms of love and commitment but we should also seek satisfy them in terms of our sexual relationship. That's why there are a lot of issues raised regarding sexual capacity and performance such as foreplay, penis size, libido, orgasm etc. Apparently, many times, a lot of relationships and marriages fail because of lack of satisfaction and unsolved problems in lovemaking.

The role of sex in a relationship is not solely confined to physical pleasure. The performance especially of a man in sex also is a manifestation of his affection for his partner and his concern for the relationship. A man, who desires the happiness of his woman, should strive to be a good partner in bed then.

Today, there are a lot of information and products out in the market, which help men to enhance their sexual relationships like pills that enlarge the penis size or medicines that increase the libido. There are also natural methods for those who are reluctant to take the medicines.

Good and healthy diet plays an important role for both man and woman in the process of lovemaking. This information provided by science is actually just a rediscovery of a tradition that is traced back to history. Even during the ancient civilization, men already discovered and started using aphrodisiacs for arousal and in order heighten their sexual activity. Among these sexually stimulating food and beverage are coffee and meat. While there is weak evidence established regarding their connection of the with penis enlargement, coffee and meat have been known to produce strong stimulating effects for couples in sex.

Both the coffee and the meat have components that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract is similar to that of the genital organ. If coffee and meat then irritate the digestive tract, they likewise cause the same effect to the genital organs of people. This chemical process inside the body is what leads to the increase of sexual excitement. No wonder why there are couples who pay attention to the details of food intake before sex since they seek to achieve a good sex through aphrodisiacs. After all, there is no good sex without a strong sexual excitement between the couple during the entire lovemaking.

Although, it has been stated that coffee and meat are effective sexual stimulants, one must learn to control the use of these. High diet in caffeine and protein may lead to several health disorders and diseases. Moreover, in sex, too much intake of these may result to over stimulation of the genital organs and uncontrolled excitement thus leading to early orgasm in the sexual activity. In this case, the couple will have already reached orgasm even before they start to enjoy their love making session. Moderate use of these aphrodisiacs must be observed then. As they say, too much of the same thing is unhealthy.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Steroids Can Shrink a Man's Penis

Steroids Can Shrink a Man's Penis

Steroids are medically generated substance used for various medical purposes. It is commonly utilized to enhance body growth. Basically, steroids are used by body builders, athletes, and people with active occupations. Some forms of steroids are used in performing surgeries and as pain reliever. The use of steroids requires a prescription from an authorized physician. However, steroids are definitely banned I all sports. In fact, a lot of big name sports personalities have been linked to the use of steroids. Accordingly, the misuse of steroids can lead to a lot of side effects, which causes diseases and even death.

The most common form of steroid is the anabolic steroid. Essentially, steroids promote growth of tissues and muscles. Every man has secretes a hormone called testosterone, which is responsible for the physical growth during puberty. The purpose of anabolic steroids is enhancers to make the androgenic effects possible, which make a man's sexual features, develop fast. Because of this, a lot of men have used steroids to boost their penis size and erection. However, steroids are expensive, does is not affordable to all men. To remedy this problem, some men take other steroid containing substance.

The use of steroids entails a lot of negative effects to the body. These side effects are described to be severe and can even cause death. Most steroids permanently damage the organs and other parts of the body. The male reproductive organ is one of the most susceptible to the damage caused by steroids. This is because, anabolic like hormones are also produced by the male reproductive organ. The use of steroids can cause temporary and permanent impotence. The effect of steroid is so strong that even increased libido or sexual desire will not make a penis erect. The penis may erect, but it may not really serve its purpose. In essence, the steroids paralyze the ability of the penis to perform its functions.

On the other hand, studies show that there is no direct linkage to penis shrinkage and steroids. Normally, a penis will shrink if man is out of sexual desires. Another reason is that tight underwear may cause the penis to reduce in size. The bad thing is that the steroids may cause the penis to stay shrunk. This is because erection will be a problem and it is the only way for the penis to grow. Others think that the use of steroids could have resulted to a permanent shrinkage. When the damage has been done, every effort to bring back the usual form of the penis will be futile.

With everything said, steroids may not directly cause the shrinkage of a penis. However, the use of steroids may aggravate the situation. Steroids may cause tremendous growth in the body, but the side effects should be more emphasized. A temporary growth may indeed lead to permanent distraction. As advised, would be steroid user must be able to secure the necessary prescriptions from knowledgeable physicians. Provided with the damages that steroid brings, it will be eye opener to all that everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Penis Enlargement Through Exercise Promotes Penis Enlargement Through Exercise

Penis enlargement is one of the most talked about issue with the circle of man. Accordingly, the size of a man's penis can make or break his ego. Even before, there are a lot of methods used for penis enlargement. Some have even gone to a lot of experimentations to invent pills, creams, and other medications. However, none of these products have been effectively used. To the clients' disadvantage, some products have even caused infectious side effects leading to deadly diseases. Penis enlargement has become very prominent as seen in a lot of products advertised in the market. Year after year, men who want their penis to be enlarged have increased in numbers. No certainty has been indicated as when this bandwagon will come to an end. Above all, penis enlargement becomes more of a priority than a luxury.

The most common way is by penis exercise. It is considered as the easiest and the cheapest among the methods being used. Theoretically, when exercised, the penis can grow in size significantly. Plus penis exercise can be done without hassles and disturbances. The most important part o the penis that has to be considered is the Corpora Cavernosa. It is the part that increases in size through a dedicated massage. The exercising tends to stock the blood in the Corpora Cavernosa and causes the penis to bulge. Penis exercise also results to a good ejaculation, prolonged duration of erection, increase in fertility, and a sizable penis. This method of penis enlargement has is now widely practiced by a lot of men. This is very easy to do and it is not expensive unlike the pills, tablets, and creams for penis enlargement. The method is guaranteed to be painless. Above all, this way of increasing the size of the penis is the safest and doest not exhibit any side effects. is a premiere site, which caters the needs of most man especially in penis enlargement. It offers a comprehensive site full of information including video demonstration on how to correctly exercise man's penis. The techniques are developed out of the newest technology to make a sound exercise scheme. Aside from those, most of the information is researched based conducted by experts who earned their degrees in highly distinguished institutions. has been enjoying a lot of success since it started its campaign. It is a site like no other and most the methods it provides are very exclusive. With this, patrons are assured that they are the only ones who are aware of such penis exercise techniques. Aside from the famous penis enlargement, there are other services that the site offers. These include fertility development, hard erection, improvement of stamina, and straightening of the penis. More importantly, the site is easily accessed and directional information is available to guide male customers around the site. To make each clients visit significant, a forum is set up where clients can ask for questions, make suggestions, and give comments about the site. People are readily available to provide the best service and courteous responses.


Penis Size and Male Dominance

In a group of males, there are a lot of things that determines who leads the pact. Depending on the aspect involved, it is a normal situation when a lead male is designated to represent the group. There's a lot of factors that are considered in knowing the presence of dominance. However, in most male groups, the feeling of dominance does not necessarily mean that the dominant male gets everything. Apparently, understanding the existence of domination in a male group is not a complex task. Psychologically, males are more than open with the idea of making someone ahead of them. The theory of association states that ones a person is acquainted to someone who is considered as a public figure, that person too becomes identified as such. This reality helps men in understanding the essence of having someone as the head of the group.

Studies suggest that men are more liberated when it comes to discussing their sexuality with their peers. In fact, it is considered a taboo for a man who refuses to divulge any of his sexual activities. Even the most private man will participate in any conversation about sex provided that personal details are set aside. Usually, men discuss the women whom they had sexual encounters. It is common for a group of men to compare and later on come up with an agreement. The man with the best experience wins and gets the nod of all members to be the first to choose should they decide to have sex with someone. It is normal for men to bet on who among them had provided their sexual partners the best satisfaction.

With sex as the central topic, it is no secret that men also discuss the size of their penises. Traditionally, the penis is the measurement of a man's ability to have a great sex. In a group of men, the one with the largest penis size in considered as the master. He provides all the suggestions on sexual methods and the dos and don'ts of sex. When it comes to sex, the man with the largest penis size is the dominant figure and is often admired by his peers. In reality, the order in a male group with regards to sex is always based in the size of the penis. Such that the bigger the penis, the higher the position of a man in the group. Although foreplay and other factors are important, a big penis will definitely offset whatever weakness a man has in having sex.

Indeed, there are different measurements used to trace male dominance. However, the circumstances exhibit that the penis size is more than a reasonable indicator. In a group of men, sex is an issue that is allotted with a lot of time for discussion. In a situation when a group of men engages in a simultaneous sex, the group member with the largest penis size will always make the first move. This is to make an impression that all other members have the same size of penis. It may look like a disadvantage fir some men, but being identified with someone with a big penis is not a bad distinction. The idea gives a good impression to girls and an opportunity for some men to experience the best sex of their lives.

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